We are Innozus Co., LTD.'s Innovation Health & Wellness Company. Our primary objective is to enhance the quality of life for our users through the provision of cutting-edge products. We firmly believe that our extensive knowledge, unwavering dedication, and fervent passion position us to drive innovation towards successful commercialization.
Develop the innovative health product with global standard for commercialization
Enhance the value to our innovative health products to contribute to the sustainable evolution of the future
Establish a sustainable ecosystem for health innovation products
Develop smart and worthy digital technology to elevate the quality of life for users
We push forward and high quality innovations towards commercial utilization, aiming to enhance both quality of life and sustainable business practices.
Company Background
Including the story and history of becoming Innosus A company that intends to create new technologies and innovations for Thai people to have a better life.
Founded the Business
Founded the company with name "Master Labs Incorporation Co., Ltd."
Co-researched with Prince of Songkla University (PSU) To research and develop disinfectant machine
Launched the disinfectant machine product name "KIKOWA"
Enter into the medical equipment business in covid-19 situation
Launched the product "IgG/IgM Rapid Test Kit" for detected covid-19 from plasma, lymph, or blood samples
Imported and distributed "HEYER Respiratory Humidifier (Neo HiF-17)" The machine increases the oxygen level in the patient
Co-researched with researcher from education institute for developed new frontier of health and wellness products
Investment for foundation
Raised the registered capital to 200 million THB for investment in the production of precursors and extracts for dietary supplements
Received guaranteed tax benefits from the Board of Investment (BOI) for the latex processing facility plant
Founded Master Lab Laboratory for covid-19 Testing services
Created the innovation
Started the construction of the world's first latex serum extraction facility
Raised the registered capital to 250 million THB
Provided Food and Drug Administration register of the Latex extracted substance
Acquired the patent for the production of the "Microalbumin test kit" from NSTDA (National Science and Technology Development Agency)
Rebranded form "Master Labs Incorporation" to "Innozus"
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